Beautiful is a Natural turquoise Crystal Skull mined in New Mexico.
Her Turquoise beads match her exactly and are wired in Sterling Silver 18" in length.
However, she is also available in 26" for $444.
BEAUTIFUL has a sweet soft grounding energy. She reminds you to be kind and gentle with yourself. She wants you to realize your beauty, both inside and outside and reminds you that everyone is unique and how boring life would be if everyone were created the same. She encourages you to stand confident in your beauty, after all, you are literally the unique creation of God. Time to acknowledge that by letting your inner Goddess shine through. She reminds you to be proud of your scars, as they are the markings of a great warrior. Whether your scars are hidden from public view or easily seen by others, wear them proudly. Remind yourself of the power you gained in receiving them. You are a warrior. Look at everything you have survived!
Beautiful is a gentle warrior who is strong in her confidence and love for herself. She wants to share these things with you. You once were unafraid to be yourself and speak your mind, and she wants to help you return to your true self. Before the world made you hard and made you believe less and less in your own magic. She will help you bring back these memories of the confidence you were born with which returns you to your true state of awareness, that you are amazing and magical.
She works with you on self confidence and self love. She wants to remind you to take care of yourself, first. It is not selfish to put yourself first and she will help you release those false beliefs. You are not conceited to be confident in yourself or for knowing your worth. She shows you these belief systems engrained into society which are not serving you. You be the judge of what is right for you, you are fully allowed to be your own number one cheer leader! When you love yourself first, everyone else has no choice, other than to respect and honor that.
Beautiful wants you to love yourself and take care of yourself as you always do others. She will make sure you start a self care routine and create some personal down time just for you to relax or follow your passion. She reminds you that you are the most important person in your life and that Your world DOES revolve around you! That is how it is supposed to be. You can not pour from and empty cup so fill up your cup until it overflows onto everyone else around you.
Sit with her in meditation or quiet, and ask her to show you the times where you were in your full power. Wear her when you need extra confidence to stand up for yourself or want a reminder of your beauty through and through. Cleanse her in sage smoke and then lay her on the Earth to release and transmute those heavy energies she has absorbed for you.
Beautiful is a 26" Sterling Silver Turquoise handwired Necklace with a natural Turquoise Skull.
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