Fairy, Magic Worker Female
Orenda comes from the Black Forest of Germany, where many stories and legends were born. She herself is a very mysterious, strong and protective energy.
Orenda calls herself WE being she is directly tapped into her ancestors and magical fairy lineage.
She starts firstly saying these things.
Quote: The only difference between a fairy and a dark witch is your intentions.
Please, Come as a friend and I treat you as brother, or as sister.
Come to cheat or harm any of mine and we will treat you as an enemy. (meaning if any dark vibrations, ill intentions were to come up against her owner)
So you see, what you think we are really depends on you.
Orenda is a bit of a prankster and might move your favorite sparkly things.
Sage often to cleanse.
Wear her to bring protection and bit of magic and mystery to your life!
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