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Is a Horse-Dragon and an never-ending portal of reprising tales.
She is apart of sister-cousin clan of Pegasus. 

Calalay uses her vibrant energy to open up gateways and portals around you to re-experience adventurous tales of long ago. These adventures are meant to spark an ignition within you to excel you forward. She will physically carry you through it all, and provide divine protection. 

Over time you will begin to notice a familiar cycle of doubt resurface, Calalay is here help you end this cycle. There is nothing you cannot achieve, you were made to do it all.  Calalay is an elegant species of divine intervention. She will work with you to make sure you don’t repeat thrice. 

Calalay is a pre-activated White Agate Crystal Skull and a facilitator of the Third Eye Chakra. 


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