Opalite elongated pre-activated Crystal Skull / no reading
Rose Quartz standard pre-activated Crystal Skull / no reading
Chariote standard pre-activated Crystal Skull / reading included
Gully - Labradorite Crystal Skull Reading below
Saber - Tiger Eye Crystal Skull Reading below
Is a male Seagull spirit of the Ocean.
Gully’s energy is one of peace and bliss. His energy feels like the smell of the ocean front. His sweet calls ignite peace within your mind and body.
Gully energy allows the salt water air to cleanse you, and remind you of home. The home within you, that is you. He has a strong intuitive and psychic ability, he can sense alignment and what isn’t. He will be a guide post of the oceans tide and guide you back home to you.
Gully’s ability to guide you home, will attract in blessings upon blessings. Your home is the stepping stone to peace.
He loves to visit the ocean, he encourages you to bring him along for beach trips.
Gully is a facilitator of the Root Chakra.
Saber 🐅
Is a male father Tiger spirit of the jungle.
Saber ignites tremendous amounts of courage needed to complete the tasks at hand. He has an incredible ability to keep going, and knows when to muster up energy through rest and contemplation.
Saber also has a knack for finding the best spot to lounge in. You may find yourself wondering, and naturally gravitating towards prime locations of relaxation. Whether it be locally or during your traveling adventures.
He also loves to be apart of the pack, and he will attract in divine counterpart partnerships for you to collaborate and ignite creation with.
Saber is a facilitator of the Sacral + Solar Plexus Chakra.
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