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Is a very protective guardian. He especially, but not exclusively, works with people who are healing their inner childhood trauma or abuse. He watches over you and holds space for you to allow yourself to heal. He creates a safe haven for your inner child to come out and be heard, thus healing them with time.


Once healing is actively moving forward, he will rebuild your confidence to speak your truth and be heard. This will look different for each person. As you follow your instincts, more and more opportunities will open for you. The more comfortable you become in your own skin, the brighter and greater your energy field becomes, attracting more and more of the things you want to come into your life.


Chrysalis holds space for your transition from caterpillar and just getting by, to your beautiful, magical butterfly, soaring high above everything and attracting all that you want and need. Transforming your frequency and raising your vibration from one close to the lower 3D Earth to that of the higher realms. He helps you heal and then transform. Transform back into the original, powerful, creator being that you were before any trauma.


Sit with Chrysalis in meditation and imagine his energy like a tight cocoon wrapped around you, keeping you safe and comforted. It feels like the security of being back in the womb of the Great Mother, where nothing could harm you and you were pure Source love. In this cocoon you can let out all of the hurt and memories. Bring them to the surface and shed them away, like the old skin of a serpent. When you bring it all to the surface it can be transmuted and freed from your energy field and body, where it has been hiding safely undetected for too long. You must shine your light on it and release it now. As you come out of the cocoon you leave your old injured energy body behind inside. Ask Chrysalis to take away your shedding and dispose of it.

You step out fresh and new as a newborn baby. Free of the past and the trauma that you were holding onto for so long. You will no longer sing that song. You will no longer tell that story. You are not her/him anymore. You get to create who this new being is from birth. This is your rebirth. The painful transition is over and you are a magical butterfly now, free to go anywhere your heart takes you. Free of labels and judgements and anything not given to you straight from Source at birth. You are Sovereign again. A new born. What would you like to be called now. Set your intentions and create this new amazing life that you deserve. You have done the work and now it is time to reap the rewards.


Cleanse Chrysalis in running water and sage him. Lay him on the Earth to cleanse and refresh his energy. Set him in the Sun for a while to recharge his energy.


Chrysalis is a pre-activated red Tiger Eye elogated mayan shape Crystal Skull.


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