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is a Warrior of the heart and he protects the heart and lifeblood. He purifies the blood and heals the heart. He comes when it is time to take down the walls you have built around your heart, due to heartbreak, loss or physical damage to your heart. He guards your heart while you heal and then allows love back in when you are ready. If you have been drawn to Corazon then it is time to let down your walls and let more love back into your life. You may have suffered tremendous loss or heartbreak and feel like you are still not fully recovered. You may have had many surgeries or are about to have surgery for something. Maybe your blood needs to be purified and cleansed, because it is not flowing freely as it should. Any of these things in your life is what has called Corazon to your side.

Corazon protects the heart when it is weak, but also opens it back up when it is time. You may not feel that it is time for love again, but Corazon knows. You have sheltered your heart long enough and now it is time to bring it back out into the light. The light has begun to crack through already, enlivening your heart once more. You may have noticed this fluctuation in feeling if you are sensitive.

Corazon’s presence allows you to let your guard down a bit as you test the waters of love again. He will watch guard while you explore these new beginnings. The transformation will be so gentle that you won’t even notice, until one day you pause and realize you are in love again or that fear no longer lives in your heart. The love you are awakening can be a physical love between two people, or it can be the love of a new excitement for life, a new career, or finding joy and peace in your life again.

Corazon is bringing butterflies and excitement to see where each day is going to take you. He brings optimism and the expectation of everyday miracles. He brings a smile back to your face and peace and joy back into your heart space. This creates momentum for manifestation. As you open your heart more and more and trust that only good lies before you, you create the recipe for manifesting abundance in all areas. Money vibrates at the same frequency as love. When you are in love, with life or with someone, notice that money flows to you easily. When you shut off your heart, your love, the energy stagnates and the money flow slows and is blocked off. Just like the lifeblood which needs to flow freely through your body. Your heart not only feeds your body, it feeds your life force energy as well. It must be allowed to flow freely, free from the walls we build both physically and energetically. 

If you have experienced physical injury in your heart or lifeblood, it needs to be energetically healed (surgery only heals the physical). Sit with Corazon in meditation, holding him at heart level. Ask him to help you heal your physical vessel and your energetic body. Once your breathing is deep and slowed, begin to breathe through your heart space, blowing out any blockages in energy there. Do this for a while, imagining your breath like a tornado coming through, clearing all paths and forcing the energy to get moving again. Then imagine pure golden Source light coming down through your crown chakra like liquid gold, pouring through every inch of your body. As the energy reaches your heart, your heart helps pump it throughout the entire body, cleansing and clearing it. As flow is restored, imagine your vessel filling up with that liquid Source gold until it overflows into your aura, cleansing and purifying your energetic body. After these meditations, continue to see this gold light all around you, filling your aura like a force field of Source Love protecting you, and it will.

Corazon loves you and will help you to love yourself as Source loves you. He will help you to love and accept every aspect of your physical and non physical body with a full heart. Your self love increases and you start treating yourself as you want others to treat you, spoiling and loving on yourself, and being forgiving and kind to yourself as you are to others. Give Corazon love and gratitude as he helps you along your journey back to wholeness, to oneness, to Source love.

Cleanse Corazon in sage smoke and the music of singing bowls, bells or high frequencies. Your pure love helps cleanse him so hold him close and squeeze him when you are feeling extra full of love and joy. Set him on the Earth in the Sun for a few minutes to recharge his energy.

Corazon is a pre-activated Candle Skull, measuring 5 1/2"L 5"W 8"H weighing 4 pounds and 3 ounces.


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