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Is a pillar of light and an inter-dimensional being who originates from outside of our universe. Dimaras has two forms. He appears as a tall bright Orange Obelisk as well as a humanoid form.
His specialty is to boost your prayers energy and assist you in manifesting the purest timeline for your soul.

Dimaras works with your heart chakra by giving your heart chakra his energy that can assist you to bring the highest outcome for your life.
To work with Dimaras, hold him in your hand and do deep breathing. Start a visual meditation so you can communicate what subject you need him to assist with. Let go of any expectations and let his energy manifest through your life.
Dimaras will let you know when he needs to be cleansed. He loves prayers and love offerings. He also really loves it when you annoint him with a drop of honey on his third eye.

Dimaras is a special Fully Activated recon Amber Crystal Skull.


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