Dragon Keeper will open the lines of communication to the spirit realms and to other worlds/dimensions/timelines. You may find yourself jumping timelines easily. You will notice that things around you have changed, even Earthly things, like old trees or great mountains where there were non before. The differences in timelines will be highly noticeable to you, although others around you won’t notice at all. You are being awakened as you rise up through the higher timelines. Stay focused and you will rise. Only think of the world you want to see, not things you dislike. You are creating your new timeline you are going to jump into each time. You will notice that the more joy you feel and more grateful you are the more amazing and magical the world around you becomes. Keep consciously creating, or it will create itself from your thoughts. What you focus on will become your reality, very quickly.
Dragon Keeper works with the throat, third eye and crown chakras. You may be a singer, or feel called to speak to large groups or have a large following on social media. Your voice holds activations within it’s vibration. You are activating and healing people who hear you or feel the vibrations. People will be drawn to your voice, you breathe the blue fire that activates them, whether they realize it or not.
Your third eye may already be open. If not, it will begin too. You will see clearly other dimensions and beings. Your connection to your guides will become stronger and clearer. You may find that you are of the Royal Dragon blood yourself. If so, you will start having dreams and memories. You will see Dragons all around you and start hearing stories of them. You will feel even more drawn to Dragons, Dragon Energy, and fire energy.
Your crown chakra will be wide open, working with Dragon Keeper. You will get codes and downloads of information to decode and spread. You may or may not even be aware of this, as you will give out the information through your voice. If you really tune in and are open you will recognize exactly what is happening and when. Meditate with Dragon Keeper to harness these energies and attune your body to these extremely higher vibrations. As you grow and awaken to your power, you will find changes in your diet, your company you keep and surroundings you allow yourself to enter. You will be more sensitive to the vibrations/frequencies of people and places and will not feel comfortable in some of those familiar situations any longer. You will move away from them and them away from you as you create a newer, higher vibrational existence.
As you remember who you are, you will notice greater and greater changes in your abilities. You will manifest more quickly and read people easily. You will see clearly your path and hear your intuitional guidance loud and clear. You must do the work, however. You must put in effort to reawaken your abilities and practice them.
Dragon Keeper has come to help. Do not doubt yourself, for if Dragon Keeper has chosen you then you were reunited for a great reason. You are the One. It is you!
Cleanse Dragon Keeper in sage smoke and by setting him in the Sunlight for a little while. Light a candle nearby when meditating or simply lay him by one to recharge his fire energy. Take him to the desert or hot sandy beach and lay him on the Earth to recharge while cleansing him, as he pulls the fire energy from the Earth that she has absorbed in those areas.
Handcarved Dragon Skull encased in Sterling Silver made with Lapis Lazuli and Camel Bone Beads. 30" Length.
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