Is a powerful Gypsy magical soul Being and traveler of times and dimensions. She show us how to manipulate energy, manifest and gain control of our powerful creator mind. She still travels through time and space and inspires Beings by placing a spark of creativity, imagination and ideas in their mind. She serves the Earth right now to inspire new ways of thinking and grand new inventions. She sparks ideas in people’s heads through their dream state and also through intuition and confirmational messages for those already with a strong connected to spirit.
Marishka works with you to become closer to the etheric realms and helps you remember that it is all one, not separate from you. That you have access to all of it, just as she does.
Marishka inspires you to think outside the box to create a more cooperative and magical world. When your heart is pure there is no end to what you can create.
Marishka will awaken your truth. That there is nothing to fear, for you are an immortal Being and you have been doing this a long, long time now. She helps release fear from you body and DNA memory. She reminds you of times when there was no fear, when your frequency was too high for such ridiculousness. She shows you how to manifest through thought and create the world you see. Change your thinking and everything will change. She will lead you down a path of discovery, remembrance, and rebirth. You know how powerful you are, you have just forgotten.
Marishka opens up your throat, third eye and crown. She helps you reconnect to all that is. You will communicate with spirit more easily, divine more clearly, and hear your guides constantly. She guides you right along your path, if you listen. Listen to your intuition and feelings you get to do things, go places, call people, etc. Do not dismiss this voice any longer! The more you listen, the more connected you become. Until, the veil is gone and the realms are all accessible at any moment to you. You have to work at it, but if you do, the rewards are an entirely new, amazingly beautiful life, that even you couldn’t dream up.
Cleanse Marishka in running water, sage and with bells. She loves the chiming of bells and music that makes you get into your body and dance.
Marishka is a Fully-Activated Obsidian Skull weighing 10 ounces and measuring 3"L 2"W 2 1/2"H.
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