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Is an Elemental Earth Spirit-who is deeply connected with nature and Gaia.

She appears as a beautiful female Being wearing a crown made of flowers. 
Meadow assists with healing your inner child. She assists you to embody the authentic you by giving you the courage to express yourself. She also opens up your connection to Mother Nature.
To work with Meadow, it’s preferable to meditate outside if you can. Sit down in a comfortable position while placing her close to you. Envision a brilliant green light surrounding your being. Let this green light enter your heart chakra. Be present and observe how do you feel. If you think heavy emotions are coming to the surface, say the feelings aloud with an exhale to release them. Let your intuition tell you how long you need to meditate. Don’t push yourself and work slowly. Deep inner child healing takes time, so remember to be gentle with yourself.
Keep Meadow close to you as much as possible. Please spend some time outside with her. Walk on earth bare feet, feel the tree energy, and do things that make your inner child light up. Meadow believes a happy heart invites more blessings, for happiness is a blessing on its own.
Charge Meadow under the sun for few hours. Cleanse her with running water and sage. When it’s raining outside, place her on the rain. Always give Meadow your thanks. Meadow is a pre-activated recon Amber crystal skull. 


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