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Precious Heart

Is an Extraterrestrial Consciousness from the Magellanic Cloud Galaxy.

She has been part of the Galactic Federation and now she has chosen this physical realm to ascend higher by being in service to humanity.

PH works with the heart chakra and light body.

As an Ancient Being, she possesses a wealth of knowledge, and can be a teacher for anyone's earth journey. PH empowers, so that you can ascend higher. Her powerful energy will offer you the courage to go after the things that you thought impossible to reach or do. Her gentle guidance will open your heart so that you can see the world from a loving perspective. PH assists with acknowledging and transmuting dense emotions and energy from your field and removing blockages. Connect with her with an open mind and heart, and let your imagination have no limits. Meditate with her or communicate telepathically with her.

She would be honoured to take you on a journey towards enlightenment.

PH is a Black Obsidian weighing 1/2 a pound and measuring 3" length.

Precious Heart

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