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Elohim (pronounced EE low heem)


Elohim is one of the highest ranking Angels. His job is to help humanity evolve. He is a huge Angel. He looks like a giant as we know them with his wings tucked away. He is a warrior Angel that carries a huge heart for us as his children. If you look closely you will see the heart in his nose of the skull, to remind you that despite his rough warrior exterior he is gentle, kind and protective. He has a great love for humanity and can not wait to walk amongst us in his true, and be accepted, when all of humanity awaken.

If Elohim has chosen to work with have big work to do here. You may not realize it yet and bringing him home and into your life is going to be the catalyst to your whole world changing before your eyes. You will suddenly have knowing of what exactly your next move is to be. Follow the signs Elohim is giving you and your path will light up clear as a sunny day.

Elohim is your protector. He will make sure you are only lead to safe and expanding situations. He wants to help you awaken fully to your gifts and mission here. He needs your help as feet on the ground to help the others. You are what they call a starseed. You have come to help humanity also. You may be an Angel yourself. This will all be shown to you as you work with Elohim more and more. He will come to you in dream state and you will start to hear him talking to you telepathically. If you listen he will walk right beside you each step to your destiny. I see him as a huge giant walking with you and protecting your energy and physical body. His wings only come out for certain purposes and he will show you himself in full form when he thinks you are ready. You may ask him questions and you will hear of be shown the answers in your head or in signs and synchronicities. Start paying attention to everything!

Elohim is going to awaken your senses and strengthen your intuition. If you are an Angel he will help you see your true form, either in dream state, meditation, or during a healing you receive. It will change everything when you see just how powerful you are. Or you may already know.

Elohim stands watch as you astral travel or can help you learn if you so choose. He can take you to your soul family for a reunion.

Elohim is the perfect definition of the gentle giant.

He may have you do past life regressions to give you more insight and knowledge as to who you are and your specific reason for incarnating this time.

Elohim wants to help you dissolve all karma to prepare you for your ascension. If he brings emotional things up inside you it is strictly to heal them once and for all. You can not ascend with the karma owed.

Elohim is wonderful to have for inner child trauma healing and ancestral healing. In meditation or dream state imagine crawling up into his huge lap and cry it out if you need to as he holds space for you while your guard is down. He wants to provide you support and healing and it hurts his heart to see you hurt so he will make sure you heal as quickly as possible. Elohim will show you why things happened the way they did so you look at traumatizing situations from a soul learning perspective and less emotional one. He will have you revisit situations with him by your side this time and rewrite your story, rewrite what happened, sending you into a higher timeline once this is done. A timeline where that trauma never happened and the situation played out differently. By changing the past you change everything.

Elohim loves you and chose you! He says it is important that you know that bringing him home. This was all Divinely timed and orchestrated by you, for you, and your soul family/team.

Cleanse Elohim by sage smoke and high frequency music, like 425 hertz singing bowls. He also loves the Earth and you can set him on the Earth to help him transmute any energy he is absorbing from you and your environment. Carry him with you when you can.

One pre- activated Pyrite Crystal Skull.



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