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Is a little flower fairy, actually she represents a collective of 3 fairies.

They stand for regeneration, spiritual growth and self awareness.

The Primrose fairies send their blessing’s and protection upon you and your family in many subtle ways, including but not limited to wellness, prosperity and happiness. 

The Primrose being’s are here to help and communicate with you regarding your challenges, if your seeking counseling and guidance from them they are happy to help. 

Primrose flowers have alway’s had fairy guardians as caretakers, and this flower is a symbol of good luck, perfect health, and fresh new beginnings!

Primrose is connected to the divine sacred Goddess of Love, Venus. 

Primrose will promote a clear and clean mind, body and spiritual path.

Primrose is always ready to begin a new adventure or challenge.

To work with Primrose wear her and quiet your mind with prayer, chant’s or just sitting still and begin to feel connected to your breathing.

Feel into your heart and emit light out to the world, receiving divine love and healings

If your holding and negative energy, anger or tension release and forgive, especially forgiving yourself.

Ask for any needs or healings that you may have and begin to receive the blessings into your heart.

Thank Primrose for their service.

Primrose is a facilitator of the Heart Chakra  White Sage Smudge often please.

Primrose is a commissioned handmade sterling silver ring mounted with one pre-activated Rose Quartz Crystal Skull including its reading in a size 7. 


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