Smudge is a dragon. A youthful male dragon. He is silver and black with great athletic wings and fit dragon physique.
Smudge has a friendly outgoing energy, and attracts many new friends and colleagues.
He has focus and drive, and will teach you to stay on track finishing what you start.
Smudge likes things neat and organized, everything in its place.
He will encourage you to de-clutter your home and workspace helping you to get organized and regain balance.
Smudge is a protective energy, but is not going to interfere unless called on.
Smudge loves games, movies, sports and history, also an avid reader.
Smudge also loves beautiful fall days
He draws energy from the afternoon sun and the crisp fall air.
He like activities outside like hiking and camping, campfires are one of his most favorite things.
He will encourage you to simplify your life and spend more quality time doing things you love especially outside with the ones you love.
To work with Smudge sit in meditation and clear your mind.
What part of your life could use new energy? Focus on what you’d like to clear and cleanse from you hectic world and Smudge the area (in your minds eye physically Smudge for cleaning) he will give you a new perspective and ambition to start a new project!
Smudge is a facilitator of the Heart Chakra and he is a nice size Black Obsidian pre-activated Crystal Skull.
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