Is a beautiful female Fae from a fairy realm. She appears as a female with long braided hair. She has pink wings, and her aura is light pink with sparkles.
Stardust provides emotional support. Think of her as a friend or a counselor, you can tell her all the things you want to share, and she will offer you her guidance as well as her love.
To connect with Stardust, hold her with both of your palms. Sit down in silence and open your heart to her. You can tell her anything you need her assistance with. Things like to solve a particular problem, to advance in life. Please close your eyes and envision her light pink light sprinkled on your crown chakra. Breathe in her energy and say your gratitude. Her guidance could manifest as deep realization, thoughts, dreams, or vision. Let go of your expectations and be open to receive.
Keep her close to you as much as you feel guided to, and cleanse her with water and sage. Stardust is a pre-activated high definition 1 1/2" Amethyst handcarved Crystal Skull.
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