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The Helper

Is an extraterrestrial multidimensional being.

A High Priestess that assists in expanding consciousness ~ from Orion.

The Helper possesses excellent knowledge and power and assists in raising your frequency and vibration.

She can access your Akashic record and remind you of the power and knowledge you already possess to help you succeed this lifetime.

The Helper works directly with your highest self to guide you in the right direction.

She also helps to activate your light body as well.

Practice intuitive writing after you meditate with her so that you can gain insight from her teaching.

Her energy manifests through visions, awareness, and deep knowing.

Don’t hesitate to call on The Helper whenever you need her assistance.

Place her outside during the full moon and cleanse her with celestial water (water you leave out during the full moon until sunrise).

The Helper is a pre-activated 3” L Blue Agate Crystal Skull.

The Helper

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